Toe Fractures can be a painful occurrence to endure and usually tend to happen when direct blunt force trauma is applied to the foot. A stress fracture can also result from frequent stress on the foot brought on by high-intensity activities such as sports. The proximal phalanx is the lengthiest toe bone and will be the one to likely fracture. Symptoms of a stress fracture include a toe that is inflamed, sensitive to the touch and discolored. The toe may also become displaced if the bone does so as well. If the fracture causes the toe bone to stick out from the skin, immediate care will be required to prevent an infection from developing all the way to the bone since there is an open wound leading to it. Due to the location of the toes on the feet, this type of fracture can cause severe pain and significantly hinder mobility.
Treatments for a stress fracture include:
· Getting plenty of rest and refraining from high-intensity activities to allow for speedier healing.
· Utilizing ice to reduce inflammation.
· Elevating the foot to reduce swelling.
· Using bandaging to wrap and compress the foot.
· Using wide shoes as you are able to start bearing weight on the foot to prevent the injured toe from being exposed to unnecessary pressure.
· Taping the injured toe to the toe next to it to prevent it from bending.
· Medical procedures may be necessary such as straightening the fractured toe and returning it to its correct position.
Toe fractures can cause discomfort and may be an impediment to general mobility. Please contact us for quality treatment of your fractured foot. At Performance Foot & Ankle Specialists, LLC, located in Waterbury 203-755-0489 & Newtown 203-270-6724, Connecticut, our podiatrist, Dr. Joel S. Segalman, DPM, will utilize the best possible treatment methods to give your toes the best chance of sustaining a full recovery from fractures. So, call our office at any of the two numbers listed above to prevent your toe fracture from becoming any worse or painful.