
Corns Are Still Here

Jun 07, 2018
Corns Are Still Here
Corns are not something to brag about because they do not cause any comfort what so ever. In fact, they not only look disgusting but can cause a large amount of pain when not cared for correctly.

Corns are not something to brag about because they do not cause any comfort what so ever. In fact, they not only look disgusting but can cause a large amount of pain when not cared for correctly. They generally develop on the tops of feet. Corns can also happen when a bone is not in the normal location since skin trapped in between the bone and shoe brushes against the material and causes it to condense. The skin condenses for defensive purposes that can help in some situations. Corns can become a severe problem if they become infected which can hurt standard tissue or reduce foot movement. These side effects are never welcomed and we can show you how to avoid them! But before we do, also take note that hard corns form at the top of the little toes because these parts of the feet are generally where poorly fitting shoes tend to rub the most. Soft corns can occur between toes and stay soft because of the sweat in those areas. We want your feet to be free of corns, so keep reading to help give the chance to do so!

Treatment for this condition includes:

  • Shoe inserts are very helpful as are orthotics in redistributing pressure away from the areas of the foot with corns.
  • Medicated creams can also fight off corns.
  • Corns can be significantly reduced when friction is alleviated. Therefore, please use shoes that do not cause excess pressure from being tight or too narrow.
  • Medical professionals may make the call to do surgery to remove the buildup of skin on the foot. This procedure can be invasive and is chosen last when there are no other options.

At Performance Foot & Ankle Specialists, LLC, located in Waterbury 203-755-0489 & Newtown 203-270-6724, Connecticut, our podiatrist, Dr. Joel S. Segalman, DPM, will identify the cause of your corns, treat them with the latest technology and leave your feet in great shape! So, please call our office at any of the two numbers listed above to schedule an appointment with us today and we will help to make sure your feet experience the least amount of friction possible.