Toenail fungus is not something you want to get. It can be acquired from an unclean pedicure, gym locker rooms or from public pools. If you’re wondering what it is, think of you toenails having an unsightly disorder that causes them to become thick, yellow and show white spots. The longer this fungus goes untreated, the greater the chance of it becoming brittle and breaking or chipping away.
You may not realize this, but antibiotics can help to cause it since they throw off the balance of the stomach and allow for fungus multiply in an easier manner. Toenail fungus is not something you can hide easily, especially when walking barefoot. It has the unappealing stigma coupled with the risk of complications.
Fungal toenail treatment and prevention techniques:
At Performance Foot & Ankle Specialists, LLC, located in Waterbury 203-755-0489 & Newtown 203-270-6724, Connecticut, our podiatrist, Dr. Joel S. Segalman, DPM, can treat your toenail fungus with a variety of methods that can help to stop any associated pain and prevent the infection from coming back. Please call our office at any of the two numbers listed above to learn more about how we can eliminate the fungus from your toenails!