
7 Facts About Psoriasis of the Feet

Aug 27, 2019
7 Facts About Psoriasis of the Feet
August marks Psoriasis Awareness Month. Psoriasis can appear on your legs and feet, as well as on other parts of your body.

August marks Psoriasis Awareness Month. Psoriasis can appear on your legs and feet, as well as on other parts of your body. Today Dr. Joel Segalman, Dr. Stephen Lazaroff, and Dr. Brittany Ciaramello, at Performance Foot & Ankle Specialists, LLC are sharing 7 facts about this condition and what can be done to treat it. 

Psoriasis is a chronic disease of the immune system. It manifests most often as a skin condition. In people with psoriasis, new skin cells come to the surface too rapidly. This results in an inflammation of the skin. 

  1. It’s estimated that 8-12 million Americans currently suffer from psoriasis.

  2. Psoriasis often first develops in patients between the ages of 15 and 25, but it can strike at any age.

  3. Researchers believe that the cause of psoriasis is a combination of an inherited genetic tendency for the disease, combined with exposure to certain external triggers. Several possible triggers have been identified, including stress, certain medications, an injury, or infection. Triggers are not the same for each person.

  4. There are multiple types of psoriasis, and they can appear differently on the skin. Thick patches of skin, redness, blisters, and lesions are some of the possible symptoms. Psoriasis may cause itching and pain

  5. Psoriasis can also cause inflammation and pain in your joints, tendons, and ligaments. About one in three patients with psoriasis develop psoriatic arthritis.

  6. Patients with psoriasis are at an elevated risk for contracting other conditions like cancer, cardiovascular disease, depression, osteoporosis, liver disease, diabetes, and more.

  7. On your feet and toenails, psoriasis may look like athlete’s foot or fungal toenail infection.

If you notice any unusual changes in your skin or toenails or you are experiencing unexplained joint pain, contact the offices of Dr. Joel Segalman, Dr. Stephen Lazaroff, and Dr. Brittany Ciaramello at Performance Foot & Ankle Specialists, LLC today to schedule a consultation. 

We serve both New Haven County and Fairfield County areas. Schedule an appointment by calling our Waterbury office at (203) 755-0489 or our Newtown location at (203) 270-6724. Don’t wait any longer to seek treatment!